Donating to our cause.
According to the National Institute of Health,
each year approximately 26,000 or 1/200 newborn babies never go home
with their parents from hospitals. Instead of bringing a new baby home
to the nursery, the parents must bury their still born child. Instead
of bringing home a baby brother or sister, grief stricken parents must
explain that the new baby has passed away. Although this is a difficult
subject to read about, please consider for a moment how difficult this
situation is for the families involved. My wife, Kim, and I have lived
through this painful, life altering situation. In our grief we were
shocked to learn how many families shared in our pain. As part of the
healing process Kim and I have started a non-profit foundation to help
other families learn to cope with the loss of their child.
In January 2004, Kim and I formed the Angel Teddy
Bear Foundation, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, with the purpose
of bringing comfort to grieving parents and families. As parents of a
stillborn son, we decided to use the Internet to reach out and to share
our loss in order to help those who still grieve. We
are making every effort to help other parents realize that they do not
grieve alone.
Today, the Angel Teddy Bear Foundation , along
with many volunteers, delivers beautiful soft teddy bears to hospitals
throughout Southwestern Pennsylvania and several states across the
country. The teddy bears are given to the parents of stillborn,
neonatal loss or miscarried babies. The teddy bear not only helps ease
the process, but gives grieving parents something to take home with
them. This symbolic bear helps them know that they do not need to
grieve alone. These bears are not meant as a replacement; they
represent a caring and sympathetic gesture to gently remind parents and
grieving families that they are not alone in the journey to recovery.
We are not licensed therapists. Instead, we are a
group of mothers and fathers who are willing to share with others our
experiences. We talk about our mission and explore ways in which each
one of us slowly picked up the pieces and moved beyond the pain. We
share this journey with each other and this brings us comfort.
Moving beyond the loss is never complete. It is a
journey that must be taken one tear at a time. To this day, my wife and
I are learning additional ways to help each other cope with our tragic
loss. It is important for everyone to understand that it never matters
how many years, months, or days have gone by since the loss, no parent
has to go home ever again with empty arms.
Kim and I have made a personal and financial
commitment to the Angel Teddy Bear Foundation ,
but we cannot continue our mission without financial help from caring
individuals such as you. Your contribution will not only help the Angel
Teddy Bear Foundation continue its mission to get teddy bears into the
hands of grieving parents, but it will help create a support process
for grieving families that will help them recover from such a tragic
situation. In addition to your monetary gift, we ask that you take a
few moments of your time to assist the Angel Teddy Bear Foundation by
getting the word out. Tell a friend, write a letter to your local
newspaper, or share with your church group that the mission of the
Angel Teddy Bear Foundation is to provide help to those grieving
parents who have nowhere else to turn.
The Angel Teddy Bear Foundation's overhead costs
are very low, and no participant earns a salary.
Your contribution does not need to be large to provide a tremendous
impact. If you contribute just ONE DOLLAR to the Angel Teddy Bear
Foundation for every live birth that you have witnessed and for every
woman you would like to embrace because they left the hospital with
empty arms instead of a bundle of joy, a
cumulative contribution of just five, ten, or twenty dollars
can go a long way toward fulfilling our goals. This is the time for all
of us to unite together for change. This is the moment for each of us
to do our part to enable mothers, babies, fathers, partners, and
families to receive respectful compassion in a time of need.
Please send your tax deductible donations to:
The Angel Teddy Bear Foundation
P.O. Box 1082
Latrobe , PA 15650
Warmest regards,
James and Kim Beeghley
or you may now donate via PayPal. Simply click the link below.
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